Friday, November 2, 2007

The Eagle has landed

Rather, the Eagleman is taking off...

I've finally finished restoring a sculpture that's been hanging out in my basement for over a year. I took on the Eagleman just before I started a new job last October 23rd, and now finally, he's ready to go. The sculpture is about two feet tall and made of copper and brass sheet formed and soldered together over a plaster mold. The thumb had broken off, and well, both buttocks had dents in them. So the buttocks had to be removed, reshaped and put back on and the thumb soldered on.

This week I just finished matching the color of the repaired areas using a combination of chemical patination, automotive paint applied with a detail spray gun, and tinted lacquer. I ended by waxing the entire thing to give it a nice overall sheen. and protective layer.

Now the final splinter is out of my mind and I can focus on other things, like the kitchen remodel.


Sarah Jane said...

no buttock picture? :) good job - the thumb looks new!

mle said...

I wanted the blog to be appropriate for all audiences