Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is coming

My roses have survived the winter with their burlap windbreakers. They have some dead twigs that'll need to be pruned off once I can see what is growing. The irises at the base of the rose bushes need to be moved. They have expanded so much that they are crowding the roses.

This is a welcome sight. I really need to remember to plant more crocuses this fall. I'd like to have more purple and white ones.

I had a great picture of this maple tree last fall where the new growth on top was still green while the rest of the tree was orange, but I lost it. I am pleased at how it is filling out and getting thick on top.

I planted this new bed next to the driveway last fall. It has a line of ornamental grass called Calamagrostis Karl Foerster, it should grow to 5' tall and form a nice green barrier for this narrow side yard. I chose this species of grass because it is supposed to grow straight and stay very upright so it won't fall over into the neighbor's driveway. Then there is a row of black eyed susans which I've always wanted. I planted some seeds from an unidentified perennial in the Italian cultural garden on MLK Blvd last fall, but I don't know whether they'll come up. I may have planted them too deep.

I hate deer.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Fun to see your yard beginning to show signs of life! Keep the pictures coming... I have no where to poke around like this, so I am gardening through you!