Today I pruned the Maple tree again, but before I finished, I made Mindy come out and take some pictures of me climbing the tree. Yes, I admit I have fun climbing the tree even if it is 32 degrees and snowing. This year I attached a level to a long piece of wood molding to make sure the top of the tree is perfectly level. I'm pleased with the results.
I have been pretty patient all Winter, but now I can't wait for the growing season to arrive. I am so ready for spring to arrive to see the fruits of all my planting labors last fall not to mention witnessing the miracle of rebirth of green shoots coming out of previously frozen root balls.
I joined the National Arbor Day Foundation for a huge donation of $5, for which I'm supposed to get two each of the following trees: flowering dogwood, crab apple, Washington Hawthorn, and redbud. I have some ideas where to put them all, but haven't finalized my decisions. I also went out with Isaac to Home Depot and bought some seed packets for early Spring planting: sugar snap peas, spinach, broccoli, carrots and cabbage. Cant' wait!
1 day ago
A level for the top of the tree? I am impressed and incredulous!
Yes, well the last three times I pruned this tree I did it by eye, and it has always come out slightly higher on one side. I can see this tree from the dining room table, so I look at it every night during dinner and it bugs me. So now I can look out the window and not want to go out and fix it every time.
You are truly amazing! Mom
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