Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A new gate for the hedge

Now that the daylight hours are so short, it's difficult to find time to photograph anything, but I managed to snap these pictures this morning while my car windshield was defrosting.  Everything including the tops of the gate posts, had frost on them, and the grass crunched under my feet.  

I built this gate from tongue and groove floor boards I pulled up out of my sunroom when I gutted it last summer.  I treated the wood with some aerosol waterproofing spray.  The gate looks a little silly with no leaves on the hedge plants, but I'm happy with how it turned out.  I will need to reshape one of the branches that forms the arch over the opening, as it cuts across the nice circular shape framed by the gate and the arched opening.

 Here's the gate from the other side, looking through my deer fencing.  You can see the black plastic I laid down over a thick layer of straw to kill all the weeds and grass inside the fenced area.


Lynne said...

I didn't know about this gate! It's very cool.

Mark Erdmann said...

Thanks! I've been working on it for several months and I finally got the gate hung. I've decided I need to completely exclude deer from my backyard, and this is one step in the process.